+7 (495)707-23-23
  • Mo-Fr 8:00 - 21:00
  • Sa 8:00 - 15:00

Dental Surgery

Dental surgery is an independent discipline of stomatology that studies diseases and injuries of the teeth and organs of the oral cavity that require surgical methods of treatment.

The purpose of dental surgery is treatment and prevention of diseases of the teeth and organs of the oral cavity, preventing their further development and spread of inflammation to the surrounding tissue. As well as preparing of the oral cavity for dental prosthesis, removal of bone defects, fraena abnormalities of the lips and tongue, plastic of the buccal cavity.

visit to the dentist without pain and fear

Forget about the stress caused by a poorly made anesthesia.
French Dental Clinic introduces a new method of pain relief!

One of the latest solutions for intraosseous anesthesia. It provides instant painless, easy and effective anesthesias.

Our Services in the Field of Dental Surgery

Why Us?

For the highest level of services, the highly qualified and professional stuff that meets all the requirements of the exclusive clinic was selected.
The FDC personnel speak several foreign languages, including english and french, which helps a patient and a doctor communicate with each other free and easily.

Experts in their field, highly qualified dental surgeons with practical experience of at least 5 years work in our clinic. Modern facilities, equipment and high professional competence of our doctors - that's the basis of our work. All manipulations are performed efficiently and painlessly.

Dental surgeons of French Dental Clinic: Danieell Serre, Frank Azhezh, Didier Saada, Andrey Zakharov - one of the best dentists in France and Moscow.

Best French doctors


François Najjar
French Dental Clinic.

Chief doctor

Since 2004 everyone who would like to get an appointment to the famous specialists from Paris, Nice, Cannes, Sophia-Antipolis, Lyon and Lille are welcomed in the first exclusive French Dental Clinic in Russia.

Professionals from all areas of the dentistry have been invited from all parts of France to make a rigorous recruitment and selection process. Only specialists with extensive experience of successful work and great recommendations are working in our French Dental Clinic.

Frank Azhezh
Frank Azhezh

Works in a dental surgery since 1987 year. He has his own clinic in Nice, France.

Michelle Cassani
Michelle Cassani

Works as a dentist for 30 years. He has his own clinic in Paris. His main speciality is the esthetic orthodontics for children and adults.

Daniel Serre
Daniel Serre
Chief doctor, Implantologist

Works as a dentist since 1969. His spesiality is surgery. Dr. Serre is the member of the National Council of Universities.

Philipp Vedrin
Philipp Vedrin
Dental technician

Works as a dentist since 1994 and has the highest category

Full range of dental services by European standards in Russia
Our philosophy:
  • Our specialists are the well-known professionals from France.

    Their working peculiarities are based on the team approach to the issue of dental disorders and stomatosis treatment. Our best doctors and dental technicians are involved into the process of discussion of the way the treatment should be conducted. First of all, we should find out the wishes and desires of our patients, after which we will be able to offer all possible variants to make the proper decision. At consultations we cover several plans of treatment the number of which may vary depending on the chosen method.

  • Innovations in dentistry

    Nowadays all types of dental disorders and stomatosis are well studied. Only the methods of their treatment are changing. Year in a year out they are improving, become more qualitative, more gentle, effective and painless. We follow all the innovations in dentistry and apply them in our practice not regretting time or resources thereon.

  • Modern equipment and advanced technologies.

    The FDC has 5 dental rooms of enhanced comfort the staying in which even for a long time is not burdensome and onerously for neither the patient nor for the dentist. This peculiarity positively impacts the effectiveness of treatment. For the sake of convenience, each dental room has a radiovisiograph which makes the conduction of X-ray diagnostics and monitoring of treatment available without the leaving of the cabinet.

  • We care about the health condition of every our patient

    First of all, the patient should feel that we care about his health condition, that we know that this is just a fear and how it can negatively influence his health and cause serious diseases to the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Our specialists will carefully listen to you at your first appointment and will prepare an individual program of a special training for your next visit.

  • The payment can be made in any convenient to our patient way

    By cash or by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, AmericanExpress). The payment can also be made by a bank transfer to the account of our Clinic that can be completed either by the patient himself or by the third interested party, such as for example an insurance company or organization/company where he/she works.

healthy teeth and well-being
We are sure that the FDC will be a great discovery for you and your family on your way to the flawless aesthetics and unfluctuating health. Welcome to our Clinic!

A little piece of France in Moscow

Evaluate the European style and quality of service
not leaving the limits of Moscow!

The convenient location of the FDC and the availability of free secured parking make the visiting of the Clinic as simple and convenient in a big city as it is only possible.

Our address: 2-nd Zvenigorodskaya street build.13, b.41, Moscow
French Dental Clinic on map

It's near
business-center "Moskva-city"
Close to metro station
